Conergy LCB8 controller

gpigeon Registered Users Posts: 34 ✭✭✭
I have 2 Conergy 1304 pumps installed, both driven via LCB8 controllers. Since installation about 3 yrs ago I have had to replace 3 pump heads and now one of the LCB's has failed. These units may work well in the pristine enviroment in the back of of tea & coffee machines, for which they are widely used, but out in the real world, like down the far end of the back paddock, they are not worth the proverbial "pinch of s***. "Salt" that is!!!!!
So, I am just about to toss these units and try Shurflo 9325 submersibles with Shurflo controllers.
However, I'd like to know if any forum members have repaired the LCB8 boards. Any hints on fault finding or what is most likely to fail?


  • Ralph Day
    Ralph Day Solar Expert Posts: 1,025 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Conergy LCB8 controller

    If your pump heads are going does that mean you're not filtering on the intake side of the head? I find that cavitation occurs when the filter gets clogged with gunk from my holding tank. I once installed a cheap filter and stuff got past and into the little screen on the intake fitting (protection of last resort). Both places to look for problems

    Sorry if this is way below the threshold of your understanding and operation...but you never know.:blush:

  • gpigeon
    gpigeon Registered Users Posts: 34 ✭✭✭
    Re: Conergy LCB8 controller

    Thanks for your reply. I don't use a "branded" filter because the Conergy retailer in Australia does not stock them.

    I use instead a 5 ft length of 4" PVC perforated pipe over which a filter "sock" is placed. This sock is made from the thickest "geo-fabric" available.I change the sock once per month and I have never seen the ss screen blocked.

    A level switch is also mounted in the 4" pipe to stop the pump if the sock blocks flow.

    The 1304 pumps are a great little design but I think they are just too exacting, with graphite internals and tight tolerances, for the "rough & tough" of farm use.
    I am thinking that the shurflo 9325 diaphragm pumps may be a bit more forgiving???

    re the damaged LCB8 board..........I can see some "frizzled" components on it so I will try to identify them and have a go at replacing them. otherwise i will try and get a couple of Shurflo controllers from NAWS.
    Just as well our aussie$ is in a good state of affairs!!!!!!

    NAWS sopped selling Conergy components for while. I see that they are now handling them again. Does anyone know what the story is there? Did conergy off load the Dankoff products?
  • Windsun
    Windsun Solar Expert Posts: 1,164 ✭✭
    Re: Conergy LCB8 controller
    gpigeon wrote: »
    NAWS sopped selling Conergy components for while. I see that they are now handling them again. Does anyone know what the story is there? Did conergy off load the Dankoff products?
    Conergy used to sell Dankoff under the Conergy name. About a year ago Conergy was re-purchased by it's original owners and staff, and is now back to being Dankoff Solar Pumps.

    BTW, the SunPumps LCB controllers will work to replace those LCB's.
  • gpigeon
    gpigeon Registered Users Posts: 34 ✭✭✭
    Re: Conergy LCB8 controller

    Thanks for the info re the PCA-30-M1D controller...........In order to run a Shurflo 9325 (24V panel to 24V pump) it appears the simplest/cheapest way is via a shurflo 902-100 controller. Correct??
    The 9325, which replaced the seized 1304 seems to be running quite happily via my spare LCB8 but I will need to get another controller very soon so am considering the 902-100.
    Given the problems I've had with the Dankoff pumps I think I will phase them out or just keep them as a backup. I still have 2 refurbished heads!
    Any idea as to how long I can expect the 9325's to last? Running continuously (whenever there is sun!!!). I would expect the motor brushes would be the weak point in them but unlike the Dankoff motors, the shurflo brushes are non-replaceable.