Fieldlines Forum

keyturbocars Solar Expert Posts: 375 ✭✭
I hope it's OK for me to post this here.

I am wondering if anyone else has registered with the forum?

There is a lot of good information on there related to wind turbines. I tried to register over 2 weeks ago, and still nothing. I got an e-mail saying my registration had to be approved by the administrator or moderator . I tried to e-mail them to see if I did something wrong, but didn't get any response from that as well. Not sure if it is just me or if anyone else has had a similar experience.


  • stephendv
    stephendv Solar Expert Posts: 1,571 ✭✭
    Re: Fieldlines Forum

    Funnily enough I registered on the 10th November and got the approval message within a few minutes. Check that your mail software isn't classifying the email from them as spam or junk mail.
  • keyturbocars
    keyturbocars Solar Expert Posts: 375 ✭✭
    Re: Fieldlines Forum

    Maybe they think that I am a spammer or something. I had problems registering and somehow it kept rejecting my attempts. I tried repeatedly. I wonder if somehow that trigger something that made my attempts to register look like an automated registration (SPAM).

    After about 1.5 weeks, I decided to e-mail the owners of the list, but they never even replied back. Guess they don't like me. Oh well, at least the folks here are friendly! :)

  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,664 admin
    Re: Fieldlines Forum

    At least here, you are coming in on a Proxy... There are some indications of email harvesting activity from Directpc addresses in the range--but not with "yours". From
    This IP addresses has been seen by at least one Honey Pot. However, none of its visits have resulted in any bad events yet. It's possible that this IP is just a harmless web spider or Internet user.
    If they have been hit as hard by spammers/robots as hard as we have in the last couple months--they may have decided to ignore/block that address/account.

    You might try sending them another message and say that you had problems getting the account setup...

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • keyturbocars
    keyturbocars Solar Expert Posts: 375 ✭✭
    Re: Fieldlines Forum

    That might be what's going on Bill. I do have Hughesnet (direcpc) satellite internet service. I did read on the Fieldlines forum that they were being overwhelmed with SPAM, and that they were taking a more drastic approach to dealing with it.
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,664 admin
    Re: Fieldlines Forum

    Yea--if you explain that you are using a Satellite System (with proxy/gateway), they should let you in.

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • keyturbocars
    keyturbocars Solar Expert Posts: 375 ✭✭
    Re: Fieldlines Forum

    Hopefully they will. I just submitted another e-mail and I'll see what happens. They should understand living out in the country and having satellite internet. The founders of the Otherpower and Fieldlines are way off grid in Colorado and also use satellite internet.