Very simple DIY space heater

Nubie here and I'm trying to introduce my new design to the world. Totally open source and free for anyone to copy. I even made a video to help others make their own. The small one in my video (36 cans) fits most of my windows, but up the size just a little (64 cans) and I've been getting a 50° gain over the ambient temps.

I couldn't find anything that prohibited links, so here it is:

I hope I can help some of the wanderers tapping their way through these forums. BTW, this unit in the video cost me the price of one can of spray paint. So, for $1 I'll have free heat from this unit until it falls apart. Enjoy!


  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Very simple DIY space heater

    although the cans painted black can be made into a viable solar collector it is a waste to place it into a window for the window itself is a passive solar collector allowing the sun's heat enter the home as long as one does not have modified windows that prevent infra red radiation from passing.