Additional ground fault device needed?

Hi all,

I'm adding panels and a second MX60 controller to an existing system. Question: do I need a second ground-fault device? My Outback panel already has an OBDC-GFP/2. (If I have to add another one, there's no room in the panel / life gets far more complicated).

Thanks and sorry if this has alreay been covered; my head hurts from looking and I couldn't find anything addressing it directly. It would seem that on the one hand, a single 60-amp ground fault device would be insufficient for two 60-amp charge controllers, but on the other hand, none of the Outback panel systems with multiple MX60s -- ones I remember seeing online in the past -- had overcrowded or additional DC breaker panels, indicating that one ground fault device is sufficient.


  • VolcanoSolar
    VolcanoSolar Solar Expert Posts: 56
    Re: Additional ground fault device needed?

    I may have found the answer to my own question -- Outback's newer 80-amp version does allow multiple charge controller hookup. I've emailed Outback for the specs on the earlier unit, as they don't post them online.