can the administrator hide our IP address please



  • dwh
    dwh Solar Expert Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭
    Re: can the administrator hide our IP address please


    Nothing I like more than Jessica Alba wallpaper...except maybe Gabrielle Union wallpaper. I'm also quite fond of Scarlett Johansson wallpaper, so if you've got any of that on your machine then look out, Imma gonna hax ya!
  • Slappy
    Slappy Solar Expert Posts: 251 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Re: can the administrator hide our IP address please

    "if you really want to get serious find a linux based router and checkout the opensource firmware for them. not only bullet proof but a serious increase in performance. "

    Their is also
    >Open BSD, and Free BSD, Both work as a Firewall/router!
  • drees
    drees Solar Expert Posts: 482 ✭✭✭
    Re: can the administrator hide our IP address please
    Slappy wrote: »
    Their is also
    >Open BSD, and Free BSD, Both work as a Firewall/router!
    Check out m0n0wall or pfSense for great firewalls that make firewall setup/configuration easy.

    I usually use Shorewall on Linux hosts to help manage iptables.
  • dwh
    dwh Solar Expert Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭
    Re: can the administrator hide our IP address please
    drees wrote: »
    Check out m0n0wall or pfSense for great firewalls that make firewall setup/configuration easy.

    I usually use Shorewall on Linux hosts to help manage iptables.

    Netgate has been selling a nice little router for years called the m1n1wall. These days you can get it with either m0n0wall or pfsense pre-installed. And they come in colors! Woot!

    When they switched from ipchains to iptables in the kernel, I had to learn the iptables syntax and hand convert a bunch of ipchains firewalls, so I mostly just do my iptables setups manually.

    Shorewall is good stuff - ufw (Ubuntu Fire Wall) is crap.
  • drees
    drees Solar Expert Posts: 482 ✭✭✭
    Re: can the administrator hide our IP address please
    dwh wrote: »
    Netgate has been selling a nice little router for years called the m1n1wall. These days you can get it with either m0n0wall or pfsense pre-installed. And they come in colors! Woot!
    Not only that, but they are very low power - only draw 4-5W.

    I also am a fan of dd-wrt - works great for unleashing the full potential of many inexpensive routers by installing a pretty full featured Linux-based distro on it.
  • Slappy
    Slappy Solar Expert Posts: 251 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Re: can the administrator hide our IP address please
    drees wrote: »
    Check out m0n0wall or pfSense for great firewalls that make firewall setup/configuration easy.

    I usually use Shorewall on Linux hosts to help manage iptables.

    those are both great, have used them both, but I just wanted to get "geeky" and try to set up a free BSD box, (with success, hurrayyyy) which M0n0wall/pfsense is freeBSD. Had M0n0wall running on an old p-100 w/ 4 nic cards, it did great! And pfsense on an old AMD 450 w/ 5 nics!
  • icarus
    icarus Solar Expert Posts: 5,436 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: can the administrator hide our IP address please
    niel wrote: »
    she's a movie star.
    you have been too isolated methinks.

    Reading her Bio,, there isn't a movie that she has done that I have ever seen,, and few that I have ever heard of! I actually think that may be a good thing!

  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,664 admin
    Re: can the administrator hide our IP address please

    Unfortunately, humans are one of the weak points of network/computer security...

    This was a decade or so ago--As a "hacking exercise" in corporate security--A company hired a firm to "hack their network" thinking they were very secure.

    The "hacking firm" just took some random/old USB memory sticks install various methods to take over computers (boot, or something that said vacation photos, etc.) and salted them around the building (under shrubs, out in the parking lot, etc.)...

    Within hours, they had a bunch of corporate customer machines accessing a remote server to do whatever they would have wanted to do...

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • dwh
    dwh Solar Expert Posts: 1,341 ✭✭✭
    Re: can the administrator hide our IP address please

    Social engineering is actually the most common technique. Mitnick was the master of SE. Once, I was at a hotel and having some problem with their wireless internet service, so I went to the front desk and asked if they had any instruction manual or some such.

    The girl handed me a 3-ring binder, which was actually the manual that the internet access company had left there for the employees of the hotel to refer to.

    I got about 2/3 through it when I ran across a page. It was a form. The form was where the installer wrote down all of the information about the system - the IPs used, the phone company circuit IDs, the logins and passwords to the router and firewall.


    Yup, there it was all nicely hand-written. So I asked for a pen and paper and copied it all down with her standing there watching me. But she had NO CLUE, so I just handed her the book back, and smiled and said, "This will definitely help a LOT, thank you SO MUCH!"

    I logged into the firewall (Cisco PIX), fixed a couple of problems with the config and set myself up so I could bypass the access control (RADIUS) so I wouldn't have to pay the 5 bucks/day for internet access. Hey, I fixed their firewall config and didn't bill them (at that time my billing rate was $150/hour), so I think it was more than fair.
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,664 admin
    Re: can the administrator hide our IP address please

    A couple more Security/Update notes:

    1. Firefox 3.6.4 and later (currently around 3.6.6) has just added a new program to help prevent Flash/Silverlight/etc. plugins (usually used for videos on Youtube/etc., menus, ads, games, etc.) that have crashed from from crashing the entire browser.

    If you have noticed that FireFox is running slower/various flash and video content hanging/taking a lot more resources--it is maybe the plugin-container.exe program causing the problem. The developers know about the issue--but so far--seem to treat it as an Adobe/MS/etc. plugin problem instead of the new program they have added.

    If you are on Windows or Linux systems, you can disable the plugin-container very easily. See this link for details.

    2. This is a very handy program for finding popular programs that need updates. It is called Secuna PSI (for windows only--free for non-commercial use):

    Secuna PSI

    It scans the installed programs on your hard disk and lets you know which ones need to be updated for security holes.

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • DagoRanch
    DagoRanch Registered Users Posts: 8
    Re: can the administrator hide our IP address please

    I know this is a fairly old thread. I'm a longtime lurker and former IT guy on the level of dwh and he has made MANY valid points. I'm going to add just one for the sake of education on the matter.

    IP Addresses DO NOT identify people. Never have, and never will. The only thing that IP addresses identify is who owns a particular address, and gives up a GENERAL location. So in effect, your IP address gives up who your service provider is, not YOU as a person. That information resides with your service provider and MOST keep a pretty tight lid on that.

    Just putting that out there for the sake of education on the matter. I have no opinion on keeping the IP addresses away from view of members. It really doesn't matter to me.