Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan



  • nvyseal
    nvyseal Solar Expert Posts: 108 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan

    I Like the idea of an electric vehicle, but i'm a little more inclined to lean towards a volt because of the gas as a backup, and being able to charge it up at home on my solar.

  • solar_dave
    solar_dave Solar Expert Posts: 2,397 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan
    nvyseal wrote: »
    I Like the idea of an electric vehicle, but i'm a little more inclined to lean towards a volt because of the gas as a backup, and being able to charge it up at home on my solar.


    Ditto, but waiting till 2012 is getting old, just dropped $600 on the wife's 8 year old car to keep it going.
  • nvyseal
    nvyseal Solar Expert Posts: 108 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan
    solar_dave wrote: »
    Ditto, but waiting till 2012 is getting old, just dropped $600 on the wife's 8 year old car to keep it going.

    Battery warranty is a little concerning, only 8 years Ever wonder if the heat in AZ will have even a bigger effect on the battery life?

    I guess their revamping the MPGe also. The Aptera is doing quite well in the Xprize. wonder how the public will take to its radical design
  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan
    retrodog wrote: »
    You need to quit looking only down when you walk around. I see a leaf as something green that's hanging on to a tree and brings life to it. But that's probably cause I look up when I'm walking around.


    hmm. aren't toads green? anyway, i was only poking fun at the name and not the product. do you have any idea as to why that name?
    i admit that i do look downward more than most. i am less likely to trip and fall. i am more likely to find money. i am less likely to windup with bird dodo in my face. i would appear more humble than snooty in spite of being called a solar snob at one point.:roll::p
  • drees
    drees Solar Expert Posts: 482 ✭✭✭
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan
    nvyseal wrote: »
    Battery warranty is a little concerning, only 8 years
    Do you buy gas powered cars wondering if the 3-year 36k mile warranty will run out before the engine or transmission fails?
  • retrodog
    retrodog Solar Expert Posts: 53 ✭✭
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan
    niel wrote: »
    hmm. aren't toads green? anyway, i was only poking fun at the name and not the product. do you have any idea as to why that name?
    i admit that i do look downward more than most. i am less likely to trip and fall. i am more likely to find money. i am less likely to windup with bird dodo in my face. i would appear more humble than snooty in spite of being called a solar snob at one point.:roll::p

    They wanted something really green, and I'm guessing "Nissan Grass" wouldn't have gone over too well with a good part of the market. So that just left "Leaf". :p
  • retrodog
    retrodog Solar Expert Posts: 53 ✭✭
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan
    nvyseal wrote: »
    Battery warranty is a little concerning, only 8 years Ever wonder if the heat in AZ will have even a bigger effect on the battery life?

    I guess their revamping the MPGe also. The Aptera is doing quite well in the Xprize. wonder how the public will take to its radical design

    The Aptera is not an actual car. It might be an EV, but it's technically a motorcycle and doesn't have many of the safety features of a car. They made it a trike just to avoid such things. And a certain congressman is really pushing to close that loophole that some of these trike EV manufacturers are trying to get through. Point is... they might not end up being legal at all.

    Sounds like they are giving it some effort though:
    Composite body structures provide an impact-resistant exterior that is lighter than steel but three times as strong. Front crash zones incorporate race car technology that absorbs and deflects energy to keep the cabin from harm. Integrated high-strength aluminum door beams transfer crash loads into the body and away from the cabin. And a complement of driver and passenger air bags is incorporated to ensure that each passenger is always secure.

    I just watched a video about it. Looks like they are putting a lot of safety features into it. Just not sure if the lack of mass will allow it to really protect a driver and passenger well.
  • drees
    drees Solar Expert Posts: 482 ✭✭✭
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan
    retrodog wrote: »
    I just watched a video about it. Looks like they are putting a lot of safety features into it. Just not sure if the lack of mass will allow it to really protect a driver and passenger well.
    Unfortunately, "a lack of mass" in the Aptera isn't the problem, it's the abundance of mass in most vehicles that make the Aptera's efficiency a problem.
  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan
    retrodog wrote: »
    They wanted something really green, and I'm guessing "Nissan Grass" wouldn't have gone over too well with a good part of the market. So that just left "Leaf". :p

    hmm. ok. so you are saying it's a hempmobile?:confused::p:p smokin' man.8)
  • retrodog
    retrodog Solar Expert Posts: 53 ✭✭
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan
    drees wrote: »
    Unfortunately, "a lack of mass" in the Aptera isn't the problem, it's the abundance of mass in most vehicles that make the Aptera's efficiency a problem.

    Yes. It's still going to be interesting to see how that whole "motorcycle" thing plays out for some of these trike EVs. And also, whether the mainstream EVs by major manufacturers will dominate the market and put them out of a business that they haven't even really gotten started in yet.
  • nvyseal
    nvyseal Solar Expert Posts: 108 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan

    We really should start a forum for Hybird and/or Electric Transportation

    Didn't know where to place this..

    EPA Proposes New Fuel Economy Labels for Electric Cars

    The federal government released two fuel-economy label proposals Monday to address the emergence of electric cars and the policy mandate to disclose tailpipe emissions for all types of vehicles.

    Under one proposal, consumers would see a letter grade reflecting both a vehicle's fuel economy and its emissions. It also would show an estimate for what consumers can expect to get in fuel cost savings over five years compared with an average gasoline-powered car manufactured in the same model year.

    Under the second proposal, the label would keep the mile-per-gallon metrics and the estimate for annual fuel costs. It also would include information on the tailpipe emissions of the cars.

    For electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, either label will translate the electricity usage into an equivalent in miles per gallon. For electric cars in particular, either label would show fuel economy as measured in kilowatt hours per 100 miles.

    Currently, the fuel economy labels, which show up as window stickers on every new car in the sales lot, show a fuel economy measured in miles per gallon, as well as an estimated fuel costs for driving an average of 15,000 miles per year. The government compares the fuel economy and costs among cars in the same class.

    |Read more

    Actual Labels look pretty cool:

  • dmiller
    dmiller Solar Expert Posts: 68 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan

    I believe the leaf and the volt will sell a lot of hybrids. While the novelty is interesting as a transportation device the Prius and Fusion make more sense for many more people than the all electrics.
    I do like the idea of the all electrics.
  • Solar Guppy
    Solar Guppy Solar Expert Posts: 1,989 ✭✭✭
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan

    There are plenty of EV forums, some of the top ones:

    Ev's don't necessary have anything to do with renewable energy and I doubt there is more than a half dozen people here on wind-sun who keep up with whats coming soon with EREV, EV, and PHEV's
  • dmiller
    dmiller Solar Expert Posts: 68 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan

    The idea that part of one's energy storage becomes portable is very interesting too me. If I build an off grid house I can see my camper plugging in it's solar and storage while I'm home.

    There will also be leaf and volt hacks to use the car generator as a backup home generator.

    On wind and sun the systems are mostly designed and on EV forums systems are mostly purchased. I would argue that how these systems fit together is more appropriate here. But that may not be in the interest of the forum owners.
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,670 admin
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan

    I don't think there is an issue/problem with discussing EV's here...

    If there is enough interest, we can ask our host for an EV subforum.

    As always, we try to guide the conversations towards the practical and away from the open political / flame war side of EV's...

    I still remember a few EV's (converted VW dune buggies) from the 1970's in my neighborhood--I wonder what happened to them?

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan

    i concur that there is no problem talking of evs any more than we'd object to refrigerators or air conditioners. at this point i think a separate section is not warranted anymore than one for the other subjects i had just mentioned and one can see there's plenty of talk on those subjects. this could change though and it could take off and at that point i'm sure windsun or rick would see fit to make a separate section if and when needed.
  • dmiller
    dmiller Solar Expert Posts: 68 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan

    I see the leaf does not have a generator. The volt does have a generator, but less battery. Interesting.
    I'm looking at a high mileage diesel, so I guess I'm not in the leaf market.
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,670 admin
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan

    For what it is worth:

    How GM Will Use Fear To Sell You A Chevy Volt
    General Motors has asked for a U.S. trademark on the phrase "range anxiety," for the purpose of "promoting public awareness of electric vehicle capabilities." Get ready for GM to question whether you can trust your family in an all-electric car.

    The application filed with the U.S. trademark office in July suggests GM wants every marketing weapon it can find when it finally starts selling the Chevrolet Volt — ...
    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • russ
    russ Solar Expert Posts: 593 ✭✭
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan

    The article tries to make a big deal out of the ad campaign but it is nothing more than pushing what the company has.

    No big deal I think.
  • nvyseal
    nvyseal Solar Expert Posts: 108 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan

    If your planning on buying an EV, you might want to hold off a bit. things might be changing - Instead of a tax credit, it might turn into a rebate given at the time of purchase:
    ...In his annual budget proposal, the president will seek to transform the existing $7,500 tax credit for electric vehicles into a rebate that will be available to all consumers immediately at the point of sale, as in the “cash for clunkers” program, the Energy Department said.

    That actually would work out better, why finance a tax credit?
  • Cariboocoot
    Cariboocoot Banned Posts: 17,615 ✭✭✭
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan

    The news tonight has reported that the legislature in the State of Washington has introduced a bill to tax electric cars $100 per year because they don't use gasoline.

    I hate to say I told you so but .... :roll:
  • AntronX
    AntronX Solar Expert Posts: 462 ✭✭
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan
    ...a bill to tax electric cars $100 per year because they don't use gasoline.

    That's not bad. Considering that in 2009 US gasoline tax was 45.6 cents per gallon, gasoline car equivalent to Nissan Leaf would be paying about $190 in gasoline taxes per year. (15000 miles / 36 m.p.g. * $0.456 = $190)

    Simply paying extra $100 annually to register electric car is a lot cheaper than having to implement and enforce GPS tracking scheme or electricity tax.
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,670 admin
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan

    I am guessing, but a Leaf/Electric Car will probably drive 1/2 that mileage (7,500 vs 15,000 miles per year).

    So--Probably, it will work out to roughly the same taxes that a fuel efficient car would pay on a per mile basis... And for people that drive it less, the fuel tax penalty is even higher.

    On the other hand, GPS taxing/tracking does not warm my heart either... And given how easy it is to jam a GPS signal--if there are 100 million reasons to block GPS tracking, there might end up being a 100 million gps jammers too.
    In one small California harbor, at least three emitters capable of jamming commercial GPS receivers were present. Two were located and removed by the authors. They were active UHF/VHF TV antennas and appeared to have the same internal preamplifier. The FCC has located and removed the third.

    Locating these sources proved difficult. It required a spectrum analyzer with averaging capabilities on a broadband antenna to track the jammer frequency and a narrow-band portable receiver with a directional antenna to localize it. Even then, a power on/off test was needed to verify that the source had indeed been found.

    The existence of the jamming was well-known in Moss Landing Harbor, and reported at least once to appropriate agencies. However, the problem persisted until local engineers and scientist hunted down the worst offender. Clearly there was a system problem with reporting and removal of RFI sources. More education of harbor masters or some other change needs to be implemented to deal more quickly with this type of problem.

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • AntronX
    AntronX Solar Expert Posts: 462 ✭✭
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan
    BB. wrote: »
    I am guessing, but a Leaf/Electric Car will probably drive 1/2 that mileage (7,500 vs 15,000 miles per year)...

    The Leaf is capable of driving 30,000 miles per year, that's 80 miles per day, recharged every night. If also recharged at day, it can do 60K miles per year.
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,670 admin
    Re: Nissans EV the Leaf a hit in Japan

    I am not saying that i is not capable of 15,000 miles per year--just that many people will probably not use it for more than a "city car".

    A fair amount of driving on our cars involve trips over 100 miles (plus family vacations). An EV certainly makes a nice 2nd vehicle--but I am not sure that it will have the same usage as other fossil fueled cars.

    On the other hand, the price of fuel rising will also cause people to cut back on driving overall.

    Of course, this is just my opinion--I could be wrong too... The use of smaller/fuel efficient cars in the US has not reduced fuel use--It just increased the average amount of miles driven because of cheaper per mile costs.

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset