Has anone heard of jmsolar

They posted adds on Craigslist looking for solar panel installers and sales people for AZ, TX and FL. They said they are looking for contract installers and will pay 3K for ach install and all you do is te roof work, then someone else comes in and does the rest.


  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,660 admin
    Re: Has anone heard of jmsolar

    We generally do not allow posts such as: has any one heard of "www. (dot) jmsolar (dot) net" and such...

    Basically, we don't allow spamming and a bunch of these type of posts will eventually clog the board with useless messages not really related to helping people with their technical issues with solar and other energy related questions.

    We would all be doing the same as you--googling for references, Better Business Bureau ratings, etc.

    In general, there is a lot of "government green energy money" floating around right now and it is attracting a lot of scam artists. I would doubt that there is really anything behind those types of ads...

    Buyer beware!

    -Bill "Moderator" B.
    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset