Raised whisper 200

Dapdan Solar Expert Posts: 330 ✭✭
Hey all,

I know the general consensus on wind turbines. I had a 200 from July 08 that i bought from NAWS. I was trying to sell it to get some need funds but no one would bite so I decided to raise temporarily to see how it would perform.

Well on the first 24 hour period I got about 4kwh into the batteries (3 in day and 1 at night). That day the wind was brisk. It seems to have settled into an average of 2kwh per day. It has only been up for about 1 week. I have it setup at 24v and have seen it output max 32amps (850W peak). The installation is not ideal since it is only about 12ft to center of nacelle from a concrete slab that is 13ft off the ground that is sloping upwards. It is also close (~20ft) to the house that is 2 storeys high so the house is higher than the turbine that it is next to. Given the no ideal condition the performance so far is very encouraging. I believe the turbine is being affected by turbulence since it is quite often turned out of the wind by some type of cross wind. I believe that if it were another 20ft higher and 20ft more away from the house it would track the wind more effectively and consitently and generate more power that it currently does.



  • peterako
    peterako Solar Expert Posts: 144 ✭✭
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    I have a whisper 200 and my setup is clear higher than any thing whit in 5 Km. it is still sensitive to gusts off wind my solution until now i doubled the tail dimensions. it is more stable in the wind. and it survival is until perfect last month i hat a storm for four days peaking every hour to 160 km/h.

    p.s. use a strong tower the pressure during a storm is amazing .
  • Dapdan
    Dapdan Solar Expert Posts: 330 ✭✭
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    Thanks for the advice pete, I will try the bigger tail vane thing. Sorry to hear about your failure and you are right it does give off a huge amount of force when the wind picks up even at low level I couldnt imagine what those forces are when it is even higher.

    How does yours perform interms of energy output, max and average?

  • peterako
    peterako Solar Expert Posts: 144 ✭✭
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    Sorry i wash not clear before , i dint hat damage but close by.

    i used 2.5 inch pipe used for gas supply it must be around 40 kg a pipe real thick wall.

    i am 19 meters high and i am supporting using 4 guy wires 6 mm. during the storm i have seen the top section bending a half meter.:confused:

    After the tail update my current output is more stable and i am in the 80% capacity for the generator. the bigger tail helps for a more soft change between furling.

    My only problem whit the 200 on the moment is that before charging by low wind the free spinning blades are noisy. if i am aware about low wind conditions only i remotely shut it down when we are in the garden.

    Greetings from greece8)
  • StevenB
    StevenB Solar Expert Posts: 71 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    I have had good success with my AirX 400, and I want to put up a Whisper 200.
    I think because of local restrictions, the pole itself will be limited to 10 meters.
    But my crazy question is this:
    My nearest neighbor is about 250-300 meters away......as your "best guess", if they are nice people to start with, with the noise of the 200 bother them at that distance away?

    I've not been able to observe a 200 in action.
  • john p
    john p Solar Expert Posts: 814 ✭✭✭
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    I have a Air X it was noisy with the 3 supplied blades(4ft dia) but much less noisy and starts much sooner to spin in low winds with the 6 blades (5ft dia), adding the extra tail helps it a lot in keeping in in a steady position in gusty winds

    The close up pic was taken before the tail was extended.. without the extra tail it would just rotate itself in opposite direction of the wind in high winds
  • Dapdan
    Dapdan Solar Expert Posts: 330 ✭✭
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    Hey StevenB,

    If you genny is operating in a low trubulence area(not yawing alot out of the wind) the whisper is not going to make alot of noise. It is a high speed rotor design so when it is taken out of the wind there is a resulting flutter as the blades warp slightly and whip the wind. When my whisper is tracking the wind effectively it goes quiet, as soon as it is taken out of the wind it makes a fluttering noise. That distance is pretty large as well. If there are obstacles like trees and buildings they would absorp and scatter the noise it not you will hear it from farther.

  • Dapdan
    Dapdan Solar Expert Posts: 330 ✭✭
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    Hey Johnp,

    I like that mod you done on the Air X. Has those mods improved it output and performance?

  • john p
    john p Solar Expert Posts: 814 ✭✭✭
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    in simple terms ..YES but hard to give an exact answer as I was only there a few days after I set it up.. but the blades do rotate in very low winds that certainly would not have made the 3 blades spin.. it is a a lot less noisy when generating good power. before at night time it could be heard quite well at 300 meters now at that distance very little sound
    I be back there in Philippines next week so hope for good wind and will post here results.
    Nose cones make no difference to their output. standard or modified.
  • StevenB
    StevenB Solar Expert Posts: 71 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    OK Here's my stupid newbie question to give everyone a laugh.....
    My AirX 400 48volt operates well and kicks up to 500 rpm (red light on)...fairly often.
    It's quiet....very quiet. My property backs up to a 200 acre field, with my neighbors slightly beside and front (half a dozen homes within 200 meters).

    I can buy approximately 4 AirX's for the same price as Whisper 200....in my beginner's mind it makes somewhat of sense if I have the space, and am concerned about attracting too much attention from my neighbors over noise.
    I believe I don't even need a joining box....they can operate in parallel?

    I know there must be a good reason why multiple smaller turbines that add up in watts to a single larger one is not advantage....but I'm so new to this i don't know why.
  • john p
    john p Solar Expert Posts: 814 ✭✭✭
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    I have trouble believing your Air X is quiet? Everyone ive been near is certainly not when producing above 5 amps..
    The main reason many small ones are not as good as one big one is the bigger they are the lower the start up speed to produce power.
    it was the reason I went from 3 blades 4ft dia to 6 blades 5ft dia. lower start up speed. and lower noise.
    The latest wind turbine technology is going to multiple blades (about 20) for low noise and low wind start up

    4 Air X for the price of 1 Whisper 200??? where???
    retail here they are about the same price..
  • StevenB
    StevenB Solar Expert Posts: 71 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    I paid $625 USD for a AirX400-48V. Online a Whisper 200 sells for $2800 (I won't abuse the privilege of this forum with where).

    My AirX400 makes at low speeds just a light flutter, like a kid's playing card in the spokes of the bike, and at high speeds just a hum.

    I was aware of the lower start speeds for the 200. But here on the coast we don't seem to get light winds much....either it's calm or it's cranking.

    I was curious since I'm still learning about the different way volts and amps come into play with the way components are arrayed differently....if there was some significant consideration to learn.
  • john p
    john p Solar Expert Posts: 814 ✭✭✭
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    In Australia the AirX marine 400w the most popular sells for about $1400 the Whisper 200 sells for about $1700
    I looked up some American sites and cant find any one selling the Air X for anything like the price you quoted.???
  • Dapdan
    Dapdan Solar Expert Posts: 330 ✭✭
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    Hey Johnp,

    That is a damn good price for a whisper 200. Any ways i could buy one a ship to msyelf here in Barbados?;) Maybe if you gaved me a website if any, I can check them out.

  • StevenB
    StevenB Solar Expert Posts: 71 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    Yeah 1700 is about 600 less than best price in States....shipping from Australia may be ugly.
    But if you get one as far as the States, I'll pack it and bring it if you take me to Batt's Rock in Barbados.
  • Dapdan
    Dapdan Solar Expert Posts: 330 ✭✭
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    hey john,

    You are a welcome anytime even without the genny. If you are ever in Bim you can be my guess, batts rock any place you want to go. Maybe if you are in for cricket even. The T20 worlk cup is being hosted in the West Indies next.

  • System2
    System2 Posts: 6,290 admin
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    My neighbor has a "Whisper" 200. Its 3/8 of a mile away (3/8 mile = about 2000 feet).
    Its noisy as heck when the wind is over 28 miles per hour since the blades "turn out of the wind / govern". Sounds like a helicopter taking off. WUP WUP WUP.

    ITS FREEAKING LOUDER THAN HECK AND ITS AN IRRITATING NOISE WHEN GOVERNING.!!!!! ... and I can't hear it went its not which is the only good thing I can say about it.

    Im also not line of sight to the generator since there is a nice hill in the way. YAY!
    I really don't know how anyone can live with one of those installed right next to them. Blows my mind. Rather listen to a gas genny.

    Netnerdvana (6000Watts solar .. thank you Jesus!)
  • StevenB
    StevenB Solar Expert Posts: 71 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    Thank You so much.....that's enough info for me to decide. Looks like then, I'm going to be satisfied with growing to a row of 5 Airx 400's, with 3 or 4 200 w panels in between each.
  • john p
    john p Solar Expert Posts: 814 ✭✭✭
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    Personally I think the wisper 200 is a waste of money.. the problem with all wind generators is they only get close to making the claimed output when there is enough wind to just about bend the pole its mounted on..
    its much better to get something like a 1000 w one as they start up in lower wind speeds and produce good output at moderate winds that would have a 200 watt one producing almost nothing.
  • Aussie Bob
    Aussie Bob Registered Users Posts: 13
    Re: Raised whisper 200
    john p wrote: »
    . . . its much better to get something like a 1000 w one as they start up in lower wind speeds and produce good output at moderate winds that would have a 200 watt one producing almost nothing.
    The Whisper 200 is a 1000w model, not a 200w model. ;)

    It's called the Whisper 200 because they claim it will generate around 200+ kWh per mth, whereas the Whisper 100 generated around 100 kWh/mth.

  • Aussie Bob
    Aussie Bob Registered Users Posts: 13
    Re: Raised whisper 200
    john p wrote: »
    . . . 4 Air X for the price of 1 Whisper 200??? where???
    retail here they are about the same price..
    John, where are you able to get a Whisper 200 for the "about the same price" as the AirX 400?

    From my research, the Whisper 200 is close to 4 times the price of the Air X 400.

    Here's the Whisper 200's pricing from EnergyMatters.com.au - $4,739.00

    Here's the AirX 400's pricing from EnergyMatters.com.au - $1,150.00
  • Dapdan
    Dapdan Solar Expert Posts: 330 ✭✭
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    Hey aussie,

    I agree with you. I got my 200 from Naws for about $2400 and the air x sells for about $800.

    On a separate note I am coming up to about a month since I have installed it and it has produced 80+ kwh. On good days like yesterday it has produced 4.5kwh in 24hrs. It has produced a max of 5kwh for a 24hr period already. For yesterday it was giving me an average of 300w + and hit a peak of 980w set at 24v. Given the non ideal install (20ft to side of my house and 2-3ft lower) the production has been good.

  • Aussie Bob
    Aussie Bob Registered Users Posts: 13
    Re: Raised whisper 200
    john p wrote: »
    In Australia the AirX marine 400w the most popular sells for about $1400 the Whisper 200 sells for about $1700 . . .
    John, if you could let me know who is selling Whisper 200s in Aussie for $1700.00, that would be great. The average price I'm seeing is around the $4,500.00 mark.
  • StevenB
    StevenB Solar Expert Posts: 71 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    The one feature I see with my AirX 400 (48v), I'm not seeing anywhere else, is a little set screw that adjusts the controller to shut off at higher power outputs, so at the higher winds the power continues to produce. As I understand it since all my power in excess of what the Xantrex reserves for battery volt level, sells to my grid.....the higher setting is not in danger of overcharging the batteries.

    One caution I did receive is since when the utility company loses it's power, my batteries charge to only my subpanel...in a hurricane I could endanger the batteries without sime sort of load dump. Can someone suggest some kind of load dump for conditions up to 1k?

    I would still like to find a 1k that does not have mechanocal furling, which does apparently cause a lot of noise from the blade's torquing in the Whisper 200. I've read about and talked to the folks at WindMax. And although I can't find one bad report, their warranty basically let's them off the hook for anything they want. And the parts needing to come from China could affect all of that too I bet. Anyone know anything about the WindMax 1k's (electronic braking model, 48 v)?
  • john p
    john p Solar Expert Posts: 814 ✭✭✭
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    Sorry everybody I seem to have had a brain melt down and confused the Air Breeze with the Whisper models..

    :grr NOT GOOD.

    But on another note I do have a perfect condition Air X 400w Marine for sale its never been used near the ocean or on a boat..
  • StevenB
    StevenB Solar Expert Posts: 71 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    48 volt? Heh I'd be interested except the shipping would be more than the turb!
  • john p
    john p Solar Expert Posts: 814 ✭✭✭
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    its 12v not 48v.. it only weighs about 14lbs Aprox
  • Aussie Bob
    Aussie Bob Registered Users Posts: 13
    Re: Raised whisper 200
    john p wrote: »
    Sorry everybody I seem to have had a brain melt down and confused the Air Breeze with the Whisper models..
    Bugger. I thought you had a hot supply somewhere. ;)
  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,663 admin
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    This Morning Star TriSTar 45 amp 12/24/48 volt controller has a diversion/dump mode for around $160 USD.

    You can use a 4,800 watt electric water heater element that will give you about 240 watts of load (~4.5 amps) at 54 Volts. Put 4 of them in parallel and you should be fine.


    I=P/V= 4,800 watts / 240 VAC = 12 amps
    R=V/I= 240 volts / 12 amps = 12 ohms
    P=V^2 / R = 54v^2 / 12 ohms = 243 watts
    I = V/R = 54 volts / 12 ohms = 4.5 amps

    And you can get power resistors, the guts of some industrial heater, or even large light bulbs to use the waste energy.

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Raised whisper 200

    that isn't the only controller that can do that either. the c40 from xantrex is a good example.