Flexmax 80 vs Equalize....

Solar Expert Posts: 39
Is the Flexmax 80 programmed to do an equalize on its own, or does it need any configuration by the owner?


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  • Solar Expert Posts: 246 ✭✭
    Re: Flexmax 80 vs Equalize....

    Out of the box, It comes in manual mode, you can program it to do an auto EQ,(you still have to set eq voltage for either first time)
    For a full explanation see page 40 + in the manual,

    Have a good one
  • Solar Expert Posts: 39
    Re: Flexmax 80 vs Equalize....
    Out of the box, It comes in manual mode, you can program it to do an auto EQ,(you still have to set eq voltage for either first time)
    For a full explanation see page 40 + in the manual,

    Have a good one

    Thanks very much! One other question, I can't find my manufacturer's recommandation for an equalize cycle. My batteries are S-530 from Surette. What is the interval beetween equalize cycles, what voltage should I use and for how long?
  • Solar Expert Posts: 246 ✭✭
    Re: Flexmax 80 vs Equalize....

    http://www.rollsbattery.com/ page 8 of the down-loadable manual gives an Idea but there are so many variables that could effect when you NEED to do an EQ it is difficult to say,(how many cycles, what DOD, Usage , Charging methods/voltage/time,)

    My usual method is by SG readings, If the batteries were commissioned properly as to rolls spec, there should be a record of the initial readings, If any cell has drifted around 8-10 points, eg 1.265 to 1.255 to what it was compared to the others, I do an EQ,
    If you do not have the original commissioning sheet or any other records of any EQ, It is going to be a long day,:roll::D
    My method for that is to go to the customer the day before, set gen must run for around 8 hrs at the highest absorb setting recommended, (batteries must be fully charged before commencing EQ) I then get there as the absorb is finishing,measure SG, Start EQ, measure SG`s every hour until they stop rising, Also keep an eye on the bat temp and if you need to water, I add at the end of the absorb / beginning of EQ to ensure a good stir

    Have a good one

    (Please note all of my customers are off grid with undersized arrays, most of their batteries cycle at least once a day, I used a DOD of 50%)


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