XW inverters in closed loop charge control issues

moosemountain Registered Users Posts: 9 ✭✭
I recently updated my XW system. Went from two XW+ with two MPPT 80-600 CC to two XW Pro and an Insight Home. I have a closed loop configuration with 4 Discover Battery AES  modules. They have a chip in the BMS to control the entire Xanbus network. I was off grid until two years ago. I've struggled with an issue all along of the system constantly charging and discharging the battery at the top of it's range. If I don't set a sell block schedule it will charge and sell from the grid at night. I was hoping that the Pros and Insight feature of SOC rather than voltage control would fix this but I'm still tinkering with settings to try to rein it in. Of course the partnership between Schneider and Discover created the perfect situation for crossfire finger pointing. Now, calling Schneider for help creates a language barrier that makes me miss the old days. I have a past client recently grid tied too, with different batteries, who is reporting similar observations so I'm not sure it is just the closed loop situation. Has anyone else run into this and found the sweet spot in the configuration?
