LiFePo charge by MS KID controller

ws9876 Solar Expert Posts: 453 ✭✭✭
I want to top balance my new SOK LiFePo 12v 100ah. It calls for at least 14.5 or 14.6v. My KID controller is changing form bulk to float 13.8v
when the soc hits 14.2v. Is this a KID issue or an SOK issue? What do you know??


  • Vic
    Vic Solar Expert Posts: 3,208 ✭✭✭✭
    Try the MidNite Forum,  it has a KID Topic,  one, regarding LiFePO4 12 V battery charging, here:
    MidNite Guru Needed!, Kid Charging LifePO4 issue's (

    Good Luck, Vic
    Off Grid - Two systems -- 4 SW+ 5548 Inverters, Surrette 4KS25 1280 AH X2@48V, 11.1 KW STC PV, 4X MidNite Classic 150 w/ WBjrs, Beta KID on S-530s, MX-60s, MN Bkrs/Boxes.  25 KVA Polyphase Kubota diesel,  Honda Eu6500isa,  Eu3000is-es, Eu2000,  Eu1000 gensets.  Thanks Wind-Sun for this great Forum.