Renewable Energy generation Data, 20 years of our Sustainability Project.

clockmanfran Registered Users Posts: 94 ✭✭✭
Hi Bill,

Thought you might be interested in this data. 

After all these years i have finally got around to fitting hall effect coil sensors of the DC after rectification on each of our 3.7m, (12 footers) Wind Turbines. They are built here to Hugh Piggotts design.  They are clamped direct to the 48v 1300ah battery bank. 4off 'Tristar' controllers set on diversion load to 8kW of dump loads/heaters in the House.  'Tristars' only log the dumped loads when set in diversion load, hence me adding meters to them.


Everything is possible, just give me Time.

The OzInverter man. Normandy France.

3off Hugh P's 3.7m dia wind turbines, (12 years running).  ... 5kW PV on 3 Trackers, (8 years) .... 14kW PV AC coupled using Used/second hand GTI's, on my OzInverter created Grid, and back charging with the AC Coupling and OzInverter to my 48v 1300ah batteries.