Probably not new technology anymore!

MarkC Solar Expert Posts: 212 ✭✭✭
This is an interesting paper that took lots of work to accomplish.  Although the primary focus is on the Nissan Leaf's battery, it likely has directional applicability to similar lithium chemistries (for information only!):

The reference came from the "My Nissan Leaf Forum".

3850 watts - 14 - 275SW SolarWorld Panels, 4000 TL-US SMA Sunny Boy Grid tied inverter.  2760 Watts - 8 - 345XL Solar World Panels, 3000 TL-US SMA Sunny Boy GT inverter.   3000 watts SMA/SPS power.  PV "switchable" to MidNite Classic 250ks based charging of Golf cart + spare battery array of 8 - 155 AH 12V Trojans with an  APC SMT3000 - 48 volt DC=>120 Volt AC inverter for emergency off-grid.   Also, "PriUPS" backup generator with APC SURT6000/SURT003  => 192 volt DC/240 volt split phase AC inverter.