Conext TX3800NA Failed no Warranty Parts Available

SkiDoo55 Solar Expert Posts: 414 ✭✭✭
Just wanted to put it out that a 3 year old (10 yr Warranty) TX3800 failed on 27-Jun-2016. Have been notified that there are none in Schnieders System to replace it or even send in for repair at this point. Been told that they might have a refurbished alternate solution but Jimmy hasn't called to discuss.  Took them a month to come up with this.  My 6 yr old Zantrext GT3.8NA is still working great.  My opinion of Schneider products is changing at this point.  May be looking for and alternative solution. Brand change.
GT3.8 w/4600W Trina 230W, TX5000 w/5000W ET-250W, XW4024 w/1500W ET-250W, 4 L16, 5500W Gen. (never had to use) Yet!!


  • vtmaps
    vtmaps Solar Expert Posts: 3,741 ✭✭✭✭
    If they won't honor their warranty or substitute another unit for it, I would take them to small claims court for at least what you paid for the unit.

    4 X 235watt Samsung, Midnite ePanel, Outback VFX3524 FM60 & mate, 4 Interstate L16, trimetric, Honda eu2000i
  • Dave Angelini
    Dave Angelini Solar Expert Posts: 6,940 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    They have been telling me for quite some time that these are going away.
     I use SMA for grid inverters because of the secure back-up
    power supply.
    Grid inverters are subject to the grid issues and do fail.
     If you need a name at Schneider drop me a line. They should get you a conext grid inverter I would think.
    "we go where power lines don't" Sierra Nevada mountain area

  • SkiDoo55
    SkiDoo55 Solar Expert Posts: 414 ✭✭✭

    They may be going to substitute a TX5000 for it haven't heard from them for several days.  Big difference between TX3800 and TX5000 is the start voltage is @45 VDC higher. The offset to that and reason I told them I would do it is the array is 5KW, anyhow and at the end of the year calculated to produce about 100+ Kw more than the current inverter  per the CSI online calculator. Plus it will set right down and connect on the wiring box.

    I looked at the SMA inverters was told by tech awhile back that if I had to switch that was the one to use, mainly for AC coupling features. The secure power to me until it could be made fully automatic is an expensive feature that is over hyped.  Besides I have my XW4024 for that. Throw a couple of breakers and AC coupled and life is good.

    The big issue with doing a brand switch is rewireing with new conduit runs etc, although distance is short as it would be only a few feet to the AC combiner box, and possiblity of PV grounding issue between mixing Transformer GT3.8 and the Transformerless SMA on the same system. Haven't really looked at that.

    As a manufacture to warranty a product for 10 years and then not have any spares or parts 2+ years into the warrany is pretty poor planning. Shows poor intent to the customer base.

    Having that inverter off-line for over a month is sure showing up on the PG&E Net-meter, especially since we have been in the 100-110°F range for 12+ days this month. Bought 42 Kwh yesterday. Was still 78°F at 01:30 this morning and only forecast to get to 106°F today.

    GT3.8 w/4600W Trina 230W, TX5000 w/5000W ET-250W, XW4024 w/1500W ET-250W, 4 L16, 5500W Gen. (never had to use) Yet!!
  • Dave Angelini
    Dave Angelini Solar Expert Posts: 6,940 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Sh-- happens. It sucks but what can you do? Grid equipment is always going to be a longevity issue. I never have had any of my offgrid systems fail an inverter or charge controller. They just do not get exposed to the PG & E garbage or the banging away at max power all day long. Might be why they can't get parts. Pretty small inverter by today's standards.

    Yes it is hot! The whole west and even worse back east. The air connections are all screwed up back there this weekend also.

    "we go where power lines don't" Sierra Nevada mountain area

  • SkiDoo55
    SkiDoo55 Solar Expert Posts: 414 ✭✭✭
    edited August 2016 #6
    Update. Did finally receive a TX5000. Had them in SanFrancisco warehouse??  Installed refurbished unit and double checked some voltages AC & DC side, thru the disconnect and has been working as advertised.  With the 45 VAC higher cut-in it is producing less than the TX3800.  You are right that PG&E voltages are high, at 10:30 PM I am still at 252.5 VAC, daytime higher.  Puts me pretty close to upper limits.  My Zantrex GT3.8 was put in service in 08/2010 and hasn't missed a beat.  Will have to wait and see what happens with the TX5000, still have 6.5 years on 10 year warranty??  My XW4024 is grid tied so will have to watch it.
    GT3.8 w/4600W Trina 230W, TX5000 w/5000W ET-250W, XW4024 w/1500W ET-250W, 4 L16, 5500W Gen. (never had to use) Yet!!