Voltage set point quistion

boomadge Solar Expert Posts: 25 ✭✭
I just purchased the kid from naws to replace my current controller.
I also purchased 4 new 6v duracell (deka gc15) and from what deka
tells me this is what they suggest for voltage settings.
bulk amps seems high I will be around 22-25 amps.

1. BULK STAGE = 30% of C20 (or 30% of 215Ah)
64.5 amps (max.current) per series string.
Multiple the 64.5 amps x the parallel strings, if applicable.

2. ABSORPTION STAGE = 2.44 vpc (x 3 cells) = 7.32 v x the # of batteries in your strings(4)=29.28V

3. FLOAT STAGE = 2.34 vpc (x 3 cells) = 7.02 v x the # of batteries in your strings(4)=28.08V

4. EQUALIZE STAGE = 2.53 vpc (x 3 cells) = 7.59 v the # of batteries in your strings(4)=30.36V


for you pro's do these seem like a good start for 24v setup?



  • scrubjaysnest
    scrubjaysnest Solar Expert Posts: 175 ✭✭✭
    30% does seem high when compared to the 10 to 13% we normally think of but I'd go with the manufactures specs initially and watch SG. A phone call may also be in order to make sure there isn't a typo.
    My Exides can go up to 5 X C20 during bulk per the manufacture's web site, thats ~ 50 amps for the 105AH batteries I have. Can't reach that with solar I have though.