wattage needed on battery bank

pipster55 Registered Users Posts: 1

I have 10 6v L16 batteries --5 strings of series, parallel output 12v.
Following the equation of Ah x 14.5v X 1/0.77 x 0.05%
gives 2100 x 14.5 x 1/0.77 x 5%:

1980 watts give or take

I have
1 array 360 watts/24v
1 array 275 watts/24v

1980- 635 = 1345 watts needed to provide close to the 5% minimum.

I have been eyeing German made panels offering 240 watts per unit.
That would be 6 additional panels to fill the requirements.

Am I anywhere close on these figures?

My loads at present are minimal. iPad, smart phone, portable DVD players, 120v Radio, LED lights.

Any suggestions on charge controllers, PWM or MPPT? Preferably ones that have onboard capability to detect 12v or 24v banks.

If you have, say, a 1000 watt panel/ 12v, how many amps make into the battery ideally, on a sunny day, per hour?



  • Darryl
    Darryl Registered Users Posts: 9
    HI, I am not the brightest bulb in the store, but I have a hard time following your set up. Typically the maximum charge rate is set by the charge controller. and your about 2000 AH battery should have a maximum charge rate of about 15% or 300 amps and a Minimum of 5%? I thought it was 3% which would be either 100 amps or 60 amps. But the load calculation is the critical part. how many AH are you drawing out eacn day? My choice for a charge controller is an MPPT a Bratt by Midnight will handle 360 watts at 24 volts and 720 at 24 volts. If you had a 1000 watt array at 12 volts that would be 1000/12= about 80 amps and would require a 80 amp cotroller. the Classic by Midnight has lots of features for this type system