Where's the solar beef?


I've been working on a solar solution for a couple of years now, but fear I may have taken the bait, hook, line and sinker. I've exposed my project to several thousand via youtube, and haven't gotten any investors or patrons interested in my project.
(Granted it's not completed or producing any usable power...so what.)

With all this media hype, I would have expected people to beat my door down.

Perhaps I'm barking up the wrong tree. Could someone please "show me the money".:confused:


Thanks heaps


  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,637 admin
    Re: Where's the solar beef?

    There are, many times, a lot of scaling issues with solar thermal systems. There is already at least one 25kW Solar Sterling Engine project out there... Starting from a small scale system may be near impossible to generate "useful" amounts of power (just a guess).

    I am sure you are much more familiar with small solar Sterling engines than I am... (these are much smaller than your model).

    To start a company with solar RE tech... It really helps to have "friend" in the venture capital business or with rich alumni and good (aka green) press.

    You can read about the STG project.

    I am not sure STG has any reason to exist--but they seem to get press and enough money to fly 1/2 around the world to set up their system over the last couple years.

    Being in Silicon Valley--I have not seen venture capital being any "smarter" than the average person... For a long time, they would throw money at everything and, on occasion, they would would hit a big score with very nice payouts. And they would use the whole VC culture (and the headlines of a win) to cultivate new "alliances" (i.e., friends with money and contacts).

    Otherwise, VC's are just as "blind" to technology and corporate issues as everyone else--but usually with someone else's money.

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • System2
    System2 Posts: 6,290 admin
    Re: Where's the solar beef?

    So, in laymans terms...the reports about renewable power is more or less used to prime the well? Like with T-boone Pickens.

    Guy spent millions on wind, only to find that the market would not support his venture. Even with the vast amount of resources he had available. He couldn't get enough investors interested.

    I certainly need more skills with business than I thought. Hopefully, I can invent the next pet rock.

  • BB.
    BB. Super Moderators, Administrators Posts: 33,637 admin
    Re: Where's the solar beef?

    When fossil fuel costs go up again (and it will)--There will be a break even point for some technologies.

    There is a large solar installation in Arizona run by a utility--last I looked, it cost about $0.09 per kWhr... Of course, the issue is that it only generates power during the middle of the day.

    They still need the coal fired electrical plant next door for everyone that expect power outside the 9am-3pm window.

    Wind has even worse availability problems... At least with sun, you can pretty much set your clock and count on its availability (and spin up standby plants when needed).

    As WindSun (the Admin here) said in another thread, you will probably see solar PV for the small/off grid systems, and large thermal plants for utility power (thermal does offer some storage capability and economies of scale).

    Otherwise, find a couple politicians and "buy" some tax breaks for your type of solar power--everyone else is doing it.

    Near San Francisco California: 3.5kWatt Grid Tied Solar power system+small backup genset
  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Where's the solar beef?

    normally, my instinct would've been to delete your post and ban you because of your solicitation, but to me it looks like nobody wishes to invest in another oversized cigarette lighter.
    see, my money is still in my pocket.:p