Circuit breaker based watt meter?

Dabbler Registered Users Posts: 22
Say, has anyone seen the equivalent of a Kill-a-watt meter or Watts up? meter that plugs in in place of a circuit breaker?

I'd like to analyze some of my household usage on a breaker by breaker basis. It would be really handy to be able to pull a breaker, pop in a temporary breaker that had tracking like the Watts up for some amount of time.

I suppose I could build one but I wonder if this is available someplace?


  • n3qik
    n3qik Solar Expert Posts: 741 ✭✭
    Re: Circuit breaker based watt meter?

    One way is to wire that branch into outlet and plug the Kill-a-watt into that.
    Could also try this:
    Instead of placing the current clamp on the main, place it on the branch to be tested.
  • System2
    System2 Posts: 6,290 admin
    Re: Circuit breaker based watt meter?

    I'm sure you'll never find what you're looking for, There are many, many different designs, physical sizes and shapes of breakers, and they are not interchangeable, thus no one universal device that would plug in their panels.
    Go with what n3qik says.
  • Dabbler
    Dabbler Registered Users Posts: 22
    Re: Circuit breaker based watt meter?

    Thanks for the replies and advice.

    That TED1000 looks like a great device. Gotta get one of those some day!