Thinking about a 48v charger for gen support

Dan_ Solar Expert Posts: 61 ✭✭✭✭
I have an Outback FX so unfortunately no built in gen support. I have a cheap 4kW Harbor Freight generator. Because its split phase 240v I only use one leg (half the output). Its enough to charge the bank but not enough to charge AND pass through to the ac panel (only 13A available for both). The fix would be getting an expensive step down transformer and turning the split phase 240 into 120.
Problem even then though is that for whatever reason my washing machine refuses to run properly on generator (output is not clean enough for its electronics apparently). Run from the inverter though works great.

So my thought is that gen support is the most ideal but given the FX, I could fake it with a separate 120v-48v charger. Recommendations on chargers? Thoughts on the setup? There are golf cart chargers on eBay for relatively cheap. They have fixed settings though (often 15A bulk and 60v absorb)


  • inca2607
    inca2607 Registered Users Posts: 13
    Re: Thinking about a 48v charger for gen support


    I know its not quite the same, but we tried using a cheap battery charger some time ago, when the charging part of our old Trace inverter packed up, it was a complete was of time it worked for about two weeks, it just couldn't take the load

    So buy a decent battery charger that you can adjusted the charging set-up, otherwise you end up with loads of electrical bits that do not quite work together... I know i've got a shed full of them......
