Little RV System

shinybeast Registered Users Posts: 2
Hello and thank-you Cariboocoot for replying to my 'Wiring Question' post a few days ago. I am slowly building a little system that currently consists of a Morningstar SunSaver Duo with remote meter and four US Battery 2200's wired to give me 12v and 464 Ah. I have my eye on three 120w panels rated max 17v and max 7.0a and yet to decide on a PSW inverter. I will be putting batteries, cc and inverter in a box with a divider wall to separate electronics from batteries. This system only be used when trailer is parked, campground power will be used when on vacations.

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I would like some thoughts/critiques on this wiring setup. I know from visiting this forum I will at least need fuses for each positive lead from batteries and inverter size will determine fuse size I think..

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