NRDC and U.S. Utilities Urge Grid Payments for Rooftop Solar

RSSfeed Registered Users Posts: 3,810 ✭✭
feature-0-1392238044523.jpg The Natural Resources Defense Council and the U.S. utility industry’s trade group are jointly calling for a new rate structure to account for customers that generate their own power with rooftop solar systems.



  • solar_dave
    solar_dave Solar Expert Posts: 2,397 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: NRDC and U.S. Utilities Urge Grid Payments for Rooftop Solar

    This is exactly what I suggested for the Arizona APS issue. Decouple grid maintenance from the kWh Consumption charges. In this way the right to connect covers the grid in the same $$$ amount for conservationists and solar user.