Probably a simple answer.

Himins Solar Expert Posts: 54 ✭✭✭✭
Some time this spring, I have installed 6@2v telcom batteries AGM, 900 ah each. I presume this creates one 12v battery at roughly 900 ah. I am using and OB FX80 cc, and I've managed to remove over 24 feet of connecting cables to reduce my external resistance considerably.
My question long should I set the Absorb mode for this battery? I have 6 panels installed @ 230 watts each, 3 strings of 2 panels. The system will start the absorb mode early, any time there are 2 consecutive days of clear skies. I've bumped the time upwards to 2 this enough?
I should mention, these are C&D Liberty batteries, some what older. The 900 ah battery has been replaced by the newer 1000 ah batteries and I assume all the charging specs will be about the same.


  • Cariboocoot
    Cariboocoot Banned Posts: 17,615 ✭✭✭
    Re: Probably a simple answer.

    Well if you don't have any maker's specs for it, you'll have to test for it.

    You've got a 1380 Watt array on a 12 Volt system, yes? Should be able to make 88 Amps which is above the FM80 rating. Regardless, 80 Amps on a 900 Amp hour bank is a good 8+% rate.

    So set the Absorb time limit to its maximum. Use the batteries; cycle them down 25% or so. Then begin the recharging next morning. When it gets to Absorb, watch the current and time. See how long it takes to drop down to about 2% of capacity: 18 Amps with no load draw. Round that time up to the nearest for maximum Absorb time.

    Then program the End Amps to accommodate this current level, plus an allowance for any constant loads that would be on about the time Absorb takes place. These two factors together should do it. It won't be perfect and you'll want to watch the system for awhile to look for inconsistencies, but it's about the best you can do under the circumstances.
  • Himins
    Himins Solar Expert Posts: 54 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Probably a simple answer.

    Ok Cariboot, you went over my head right here
    "When it gets to Absorb, watch the current and time. See how long it takes to drop down to about 2% of capacity: 18 Amps with no load draw."
  • Cariboocoot
    Cariboocoot Banned Posts: 17,615 ✭✭✭
    Re: Probably a simple answer.

    Well ...
    Set the maximum Absorb time to 4 hours.
    Let the system recharge after normal use, without any loads on if at all possible. When Bulk switches to Absorb, keep track of the time passing and the current going down. When the current reaches about 2% of the battery capacity it probably isn't going to go down much further; the battery is fully charged.

    Now say it took 2:15 to do that. You reset the maximum Absorb time to 3 hours, so it won't try to run Absorb beyond that. And you set the End Amps function to that 2% rating, plus an allowance for load draws. This could be 18 Amps or 20 Amps. That way whenever it reaches that current plateau, regardless of the amount of time (up to 3 hours) it takes it will switch from Absorb to Float based on charge current level.
  • Himins
    Himins Solar Expert Posts: 54 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Probably a simple answer.

    i GOT it....thank you very much ...AGAIN!