Fronius monitoring: tcp connection & json | FSLURP

Good evening,
my Name is Clemens and I'm from Europe.
I'm new to photovoltaik and I'm using two Fronius inverters; ig plus 55 and ig plus 25. I have some weather sensors. Today I've talked to fronius' support hotline concerning monitoring my pv system over rs232 with Open Data. I was thinking about using FSLURP on an linux operated nas. The hotliner recomended to don't use rs232 with the fronius serial Interface card or box but to use json data out of the tcp stream, because it's free and there would be no interface box necessary. he told me that in future Fronius will concentrate on Web Apps.

Is there a tiny little chance to get FSLURP work with tcp instead of rs232 and read/process json data? Does anybody of you uses a simpe method to work with json Data Out of the fronius inverters?

Please, give me any helping comments!

Kind regards, Clemens