Web hosters go green

Patman3 Solar Expert Posts: 62 ✭✭✭✭
Hey this is mattl isn't it??  I meant to post this last month, sorry it's late.  If anyone reads "Networkworld" then this is old, but otherwise it's very exciting!  This is a link to the article:


  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Web hosters go green

    simply it's not our mattl. click on his name to bring up his profile and you'll see he's in massachusetts. you can visit his solar website too as he lists it. i would say our mattl is probably one of the first all solar websites and a bit of a pioneer in it. corrected as i put webhosts when i meant websites.
  • System2
    System2 Posts: 6,290 admin
    Re: Web hosters go green

    nope, im not an ISP, my company offer computer and network support for western ma small/medium bus. and nonprofits: http://florenceit.net this website is hosted on the same solar powered "server" as my personal site in my tagline. it's 100% solar though here in the northeast i have to give it a little extra juice sometimes in winter from an ac car charger. this is partly my fault as i havent yet had the opportunity to put my panels someplace ideal yet (neighbor has major tree that kills my production for 2 hrs in winter!)

    theres a picture of the machine on that site under the heading "power conscious computing" (theres 2 links to that article on the home page) .if you guys have any extra info i forgot to add to this article please let me know, i just saw the home power article covering alot of the same stuff this issue. i talked w/editors wome of you remember i was going to do an article for them but they decided it was too techy and not appriopriate to the average reader.

    interestingly i do know and work with some local guys who have a coop that has a green mission : http://www.gaiahost.coop/
    theyre not 100k invested in solar panels ;) but they are truly concerned about helping the world socially and environmentally in their business practices/donations.