Looking for links for solar info

Hello. I'm brand new to the board and new to solar. I don't want to ask a bunch of questions that (I'm sure) have been asked and answered a thousand times. I'm looking for links to info where I can educate myself as best as possible and come back to the board and ask more 'intelligent' questions.

I'm simply looking to keep a Group 29 battery charged on a popup camper while dry camping. I will do a lot of camping in northern latitudes (Canada), and higher elevations.

Can you please provide me good sources (links or FAQ's) on:

types of solar panels and their applications and efficiency (specifically looking to see if there is a type of panel better suited
to outdoor, northern, higher altitude needs)
how to determine my charge needs (specificallly, for an RV as opposed to a house)
how to size a charge controller to my panel
what do all those specs on batteries mean
how to convert watts/volts etc. so i can understand how much power I am using and what it will take to charge the battery

Anything else you think I could use to educate myself.

Thanks a lot.