Calculator for finding final slope and orientation for panels tilted in two directions

I'm thinking someone has got to have developed a calculator for determining what the final slope and true orientation of solar panels are if they're installed on (for example) an east-facing roof but tilted to the south. In other words, sloping two different directions.

Sure, after installation I can measure the true orientation of collectors sloping two directions with the old ball and string approach, and get the true slope with a level and inclinometer, but someone has got to have developed a calculator for figuring this sort of thing out ahead of time.

Anyone have a link to such a tool they can share?


  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Calculator for finding final slope and orientation for panels tilted in two directio

    i haven't found one yet and it can probably be calculated, but it has eluded me too. this has given me quite a few headaches trying to figure that one out as my house sits such that the front faces 39 degrees west of south and i have a 45 degree slope to my se facing roof. only place i might put pvs on that roof would be at the front edge and is too high anyway so i won't do that. the idea of it still has been a challenge to me.