Same Wattage but small difference in Voltage and Current

Jakachira Solar Expert Posts: 47 ✭✭
I'm going to buy a 150Watts Solar Panel with the following Spec

SW 150
V(oc) 24,6
V(mpp) 19,8 V
I(sc) 8,13 A
I(mpp) 7,59 A

The thing is I have seen a 135Watts with I(mpp) of 7.59A and V(mpp) of 17.4V.

Considering that I have other panels with similar V(mpp) as 135Watts, which one do you think is the best for me. Will I gain more power with 150Watts as compared to 135Watts if I connect all my pannels in parallel (with 150watts included)? Whats the difference of adding 150watts or 135watts?

Thanks, guys