North Carolina Utility Comission Exemption Process

rollandelliott Solar Expert Posts: 834 ✭✭
This is just a FYI type post.
If you want to install solar in NC then you have to get an exemption/permission from from the NC utilities commission.

The documentation on Duke' Energy's web site is so vague and large it is hard to sort out what needs to be done.
I called the and they gave me these web site links on example paper work that needs to be filled out

These example are soo much easier to understand then the legaleese documents Duke Energy refers too. Can't believe you need to get this junk notarized.

Even though Duke's web site states you need to mail them a certificate, you won't get one from the NCUC. Instead you will have to go to their web site and give Duke Energy the Docket number to prove you applied for the exemption.

If you wish to NOT do net metering and instead play the SREC's game you'll need a seperate meter to sell back all your solar energy. That will cost $12 to $16 a month by my guestimate of reading all the rules. buys back energy at 10 cents a KW, but it is a 100% donated source of funds. Duke energy has enough Srecs for a long time so they probably wont give you a good rate. Frankly I find the whole screc calculations to be very confusing for NC. If anyone can break it down to simplistic terms like any stystem under 5kw should be net meter and only systems over 5kw would be better off going srecs that would help a lot.
this is their attempt to explain it

Peace, Rolland
PS. I hate red tape.