Adding Solar to My Wind System

FYI. I found the answer to this question on the Outback Inverter forum. Thanks.

I currently have a Southwest Windpower Skystream 240 V grid-tied system. I would like to add solar. Looking at appendix A fig 11 in the Skystream manual(on SWWP website), I see a diagram for grid-connecting the Skystream (with battery charging) using an Outback GVFX and 48V battery bank. If this diagram is correct, I believe I could also connect some solar panels (4 Kyrocera KC-175GTs for a start, adding more later) using an MX-60 charge controller.

Link to skystream downloads:

My question is regarding how the Outback inverter handles the wind generator, since the Skystream appears to be wired to the output of the inverter. How does that charge the batteries? I searched for a diagram of the Outback, with no luck. Thanks, Mike