Outback MX60 & FM60 differences

damon Registered Users Posts: 11
Are there any significant differences between the Outback MX60 and FM60 charge controllers?



  • Cariboocoot
    Cariboocoot Banned Posts: 17,615 ✭✭✭
    Re: Outback MX60 & FM60 differences

    Define "significant."

    The FM60 is the replacement for the venerable MX60. There are some nuances between the two, like longer Absorb time max on the FM. The biggest functional difference is the continual MPPT function versus the older "sweep recalibration at intervals".

    There have been some bug reports and quirks with each, but that is typical of any device so complex. OB's customer support is still excellent, btw.

    Others may have additional information and their own opinions.
  • damon
    damon Registered Users Posts: 11
    Re: Outback MX60 & FM60 differences
    Define "significant."

    The biggest functional difference is the continual MPPT function versus the older "sweep recalibration at intervals".

    Is the continual MPPT function a benefit over the older sweep? What is the functional difference between the two types of MPPT?

    Thanks again.
  • Cariboocoot
    Cariboocoot Banned Posts: 17,615 ✭✭✭
    Re: Outback MX60 & FM60 differences
    damon wrote: »
    Is the continual MPPT function a benefit over the older sweep? What is the functional difference between the two types of MPPT?

    Thanks again.

    The sweep MPPT stops every so often and sorts through the input available power and output load needs and re-determines the maximum power point. The continual type keeps reconfiguring all the time without the need for the periodic recalibration sweeps.

    In my opinion the continual type is less often "wrong" in its picking of a maximum power point and will yield a little bit more power over-all per day, depending on how much MPPT "advantage" there is to the conditions that day.

    As far as I know you can't buy the MX60 new anymore. Perhaps someone has some old stock somewhere? So it's not much of an issue, really. The FM60 and FM80 are both <$600. Remember that if you're looking at a used MX60 (which you won't know how misused it's been).

    Don't forget to look at Morningstar MPPT controllers and the Midnight Classic units while you're at it, just to be sure you get the one that best fits your needs. Xantrex too, although I'm personally not that keen on them.
  • damon
    damon Registered Users Posts: 11
    Re: Outback MX60 & FM60 differences

    Thank you for the explanation. I actually have an MX60 right now on my boat that I use with my 500 watt solar array. The MX60 is located in an area that is a pain to get to so I have never really used its onboard display to look at the log and to see what is happening.

    I recently installed a Mate display and while it shows me the actual conditions (watts, voltage, amps) of what is happening now it does not show any log information whatsoever. And that is one of the reasons I purchased the Mate for was to track my array's performance.

    I was asking as at some point I may want to upgrade to the FM60 if it will let me see it's log on the Mate. I also understand that the Mate can be used to change parameters and initiate EQ on the FM60 whereas it won't on the MX60.

    Its a pricey consideration but considering that I have exceptionally poor access to the MX60, I still cannot see any history information. Maybe if I can get a reasonable price for the MX I can get the FM.

    Anyway, that was the reason for my original question. I wanted to see if there were any other benefits to the FM60 besides being able to see the charge controller's log and ability to initiate EQ. Seems that there is.

    Thank you again,

  • Cary
    Cary Registered Users Posts: 1
    I have an older MX 60 that has served me well, and am wanting to add solar and therefore need to add an additional controller. In looking for another MX 60, I discovered that it has been replaced by the FM 60. I want to sync them to a common "mate", and am wondering if I can add the FM 60 with the hub with my existing MX 60 - Are they compatible? Thanks
  • Dave Angelini
    Dave Angelini Solar Expert Posts: 6,943 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    It depends. If you want them both to precisely regulate voltage for an AGM type battery that can be damaged by even slightly high absorb settings then NO. There was I believe one last rev on the mx that could be networked. Outback use to be able to update an MX but I doubt it now. From my memory in 2005 when I worked on that last Rev for Outback.
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