Re: Equipment
The host of this forum is one. They only sell quality merchandise. Missouri wind and solar is another1 · -
Re: Adding on
Down here in Baja there's lots of old off grid systems with Trace 12 volt inverters. They were built so well that the inverters just won't die. Consequently these people are stuck with 12 volt system…1 · -
Re: few questions about solar power....
Pretty much universally agreed, if your controller has any USB plugs on it, it is NOT a real MPPT controller. What is the voltage and current coming into the controller? I can guarantee the current c…1 · -
Re: Adding on
I have a SW 4048 and another SW 4024 inverter. These are back up inverters. I would have originally installed the SW 4048 except that the SW 4024 was in a factory sealed box when I opened it up and i…1 · -
Re: Trace/Xantrex SW4024 repair/service manual
I have a pristine SWRC remote w/data cable I'll let go for $200.00 plus shipping.1 ·