New Air Breeze from Southwest Windpower

Windsun Solar Expert Posts: 1,164 ✭✭

From a very few "beta test" reports, this appears to be much quieter than the Air-X, but not "officially" on sale until around Nov 10 so reports are sparse.

We expect to receive them around the middle of November, same price as the Air-X.


  • nigtomdaw
    nigtomdaw Solar Expert Posts: 705 ✭✭
    Re: New Air Breeze from Southwest Windpower

    No 24 v model just 12 and 48 ? Rated at 200 w at 12.5ms old airx was rated at 400w ?
  • Solar Guppy
    Solar Guppy Solar Expert Posts: 1,989 ✭✭✭
    Re: New Air Breeze from Southwest Windpower

    As I have posted links before, the old Air-X was more than 3X over rated in output power, changing the spec from 400w to 200 w just means they have come more inline with reality
  • Windsun
    Windsun Solar Expert Posts: 1,164 ✭✭
    Re: New Air Breeze from Southwest Windpower

    Yes, it looks like the major change is just the blades, to turn at a lower speed.

    The Air-X is so over rated that this will probably work as well or better in most places.
  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: New Air Breeze from Southwest Windpower

    actually i used to talk to somebody (ham radio) that had one of the air x's and he said he'd typically get a good 4amps or so from it when the winds allowed. for the record he wanted to sell it to me and of course i said, no. 4x12v=48w. now the kicker is when the wind gusted it oversped and it would shutdown for 5 or 10 minutes causing you to lose out on the power in the meantime. then it would do it all over again when it came back on making this net produce very little for the money invested in it. i'd rather put that $ to a pv as you'd get so much more even if limited to daytime hours.
  • nigtomdaw
    nigtomdaw Solar Expert Posts: 705 ✭✭
    Re: New Air Breeze from Southwest Windpower

    Also comes flavored with Peak Power Tracking ! It seems your a nobody these days if your product doesnt offer *ppt in its specs lol :p