what grounds do I need?

Hi everyone,

I am installing 4 Kyocera 130 watt panels.

Should I ground the panel roof mounts as well as the panels?

If so, can I tie them into the same ground as the panels?

I will be using a battery bank and inverter. Will I need any other ground rods in this system?

I have installed house wiring and I remember pounding in a large copper rod several feet in the ground and tying the the ground rod to that. Is this the recommended method for grounding a solar installation also?

Many thanks,


  • niel
    niel Solar Expert Posts: 10,300 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: what grounds do I need?

    grounding the pv frames is required unless you're in a rv or something like that and you can ground the roof mounts if you like, but it isn't required. if you elect to ground the mounts it is to be viewed as an additional grounded item added to the original vecause it is not acceptable to primarilly ground the mounts and then attach the pv grounds to that.
    all grounded items are to be considered to the same ground point or common ground as some might know it by. utility grounds are the common ground point and if any other ground rods are driven for grounds, these must be intertied with the original utility ground via bare heavy gauge copper wire underground far enough not to be disturbed and 1ft can be considered commonplace.
    i don't know what you did or how, but it has to be within the nec guidelines and if you did it then i don't know if what you did is good or legal.