Panel Controller

russedgar Registered Users Posts: 2
I am planning on installing six Mitsubishi 125 or six Kyocera 135 panels on my Avion RV. I would like recommendations on the controller. I am thinking of wiring them at 36V

My coldest temp is about -10 and my highest is 95 or so.

Any other input would be very welcome about installing the system.


  • Solar Guppy
    Solar Guppy Solar Expert Posts: 1,989 ✭✭✭
    Re: Panel Controller

    Xantrex XW-60-150, its Class-B ( no RF noise ), its convection cooled ( no fans ) and 60 amp, which is what you need for your 800 watts of PV

    MX-60 would be the next choice, buts it has a fan and gnerates RF, so thinking like AM radio can be effected when in operation