Thump goes the snow cover

peakbagger Solar Expert Posts: 341 ✭✭✭
My new array is mounted on a low pitch roof (for new england) about 35 degrees from horizontal. I have had snow cover on the panels on an off all winter but not significant. We have been having snow on and off for the last 10 days although luckily have been on the fringe of storms so I would estimate about 16" of snow cover compacted down 10" on the panels . Today we had a fast warm up and while on the phone with a client I heard and felt a rumble above me. Out of the corner of my eye I caught the snow sliding off the panels in one sheet ending with one big "Thump". The snow sort of arced off the roof and fell several feet away from the house which was fortunate as I have a set of wall mounted panels immediately below the roof array that are angled outwards. There was no trace of any snow landing on the lower edge of the wall mounted panels but it was close. I sure didnt engineer it that way but had hoped that if it did happen that that would be the result. My wall mounts are adjustable for angle but given this experience I think I might hold off a bit before cranking them out to their spring angle which would present more of a target. The rest of the roof is asphalt so snow never slides off, the only way it comes down is with a snow rake or melts.

I realize I could rig some snow hooks but I think I am just going to make sure I snowblow a path in front of the house away from the fall zone. Beats hurricanes and tornados but every climate has its solar challenges. :roll:

Meanwhile the freshly uncovered panels are cranking out the watts until the next storm.


  • WillBkool
    WillBkool Solar Expert Posts: 35 ✭✭
    Re: Thump goes the snow cover

    We only get hurricanes about every 9-10 years here on the NW Gulfcoast of Florida, although we did have an ice storm a few weeks back. Not what you northerners would call an ice storm, but it was pretty traumatic for us. Speaking of hurricanes, we are about due for one, it's been 9 years since the last one. Good luck with the snow, you guys can keep it.;)
    1220 Watts, 4 Evergreen 120 watt, 1 Eoplly 190 watt; 1 Sungold 200 watt; 2 175 Watt; M-Star 15A MPPT; C40 PWM; 6 105 AH AGM Configured to 315@24V
    Cotek 1500 watt/24v
  • Blackcherry04
    Blackcherry04 Solar Expert Posts: 2,490 ✭✭✭
    Re: Thump goes the snow cover

    I have 35 panels and when they unload you don't want to be under them. It sounds like a huge tree coming down as part falls on a elevated deck shakes the house. It scared the tar out of me the first time it happened.
  • solar_dave
    solar_dave Solar Expert Posts: 2,397 ✭✭✭✭
    Re: Thump goes the snow cover

    I had to clear a dead pidgeon off mine today. He caught lead poisoning. :D:D:D

    Anyone know how to get blood off a panel?
  • CDN_VT
    CDN_VT Solar Expert Posts: 492 ✭✭✭
    Re: Thump goes the snow cover

    peakbagger , Thanks for the insite !!

    Blood on panels mean's good work .
    The leak will self fix