Doubling U.S. Solar for No Extra Money

RSSfeed Registered Users Posts: 3,810 ✭✭
The Solyndra debacle grabs so much attention because it’s such a sensational example of the government picking winners and losers, and because it’s loudly wielded as a weaponagainst the Obama administration.* The latter fact is silly considering that the Department of Energy Loan program, what funded Solyndra’s loan guarantee, was actually started by President G.W. Bush. The program’s mission is to “accelerate the domestic commercial deployment...

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  • ggunn
    ggunn Solar Expert Posts: 1,973 ✭✭✭
    Re: Doubling U.S. Solar for No Extra Money

    "The Solyndra debacle grabs so much attention because it’s such a sensational example of the government picking winners and losers, and because it’s loudly wielded as a weaponagainst the Obama administration. The latter fact is silly considering that the Department of Energy Loan program, what funded Solyndra’s loan guarantee, was actually started by President G.W. Bush."

    Of course it's silly but it shouldn't be surprising. Every time an election comes up the non-incumbent party tries to blame every single bad thing that happened since the last time they were in power on the incumbent party, whether or not they had any way of causing it even if they had wanted to. The Republicans have been licking their chops ever since the 2008 Recession over this upcoming election. My favorite conspiracy theory is that they threw the 2008 election because they could see what was coming and they didn't want it to happen on their watch.

    It's a joke, sort of....